
Showing posts from July, 2021

Jyotika Israni Malhotra and MammaWise

                                                                             As a first-time mommy, Jyotika wanted to make sure that her baby had everything and anything she needed or might need. She was excited and did tons of research to enable her to find the best of everything for her baby. Within a few months of the baby’s arrival, Jyotika realised that more than half the stuff she bought hadn’t even been used once! Jyotika soon came to the conclusion that the thing with baby stuff is that what one baby might take to, the other might not and parents only get to know about this once they have already bought the stuff. Every parent can never get enough for their children, but once they’re done with those things, it is very hard to part with them or simply dispose them off; resulting in tons of stuff lying around in everyone’s houses. Jyotika started researching online for a solution and soon discovered there existed a huge gap in the market in the arena of upcycling. There was

Bhavna Vohra Sharma- The Education Expert

                   Bhavna was a teenager when she realised that her education goals revolved around what her friends were doing, who in turn were influenced by what their peers were interested in. There seemed to be no organised system to guide students. It was all largely through word of mouth, varied opinions of friends and family members and random searches on the internet. None of these had the qualifications or ability to assess a student's aptitude and steer them towards a career choice which was in sync with their skills and interests. When Bhavna quit her full-time corporate job to focus on motherhood, she started thinking about this huge gap which still existed. It was then that she realised she wanted to make an impact in this field.  Bhavna's biggest challenge was and continues to be, bringing parents and their children on the same plane. Very often a parent's ambitions for their child are not aligned with the child's aptitude and interests. Bhavna works ex

Rashi Bijlani Tandon: Asha Hai and The Dancing Bond

       Psychology was Rashi’s calling from the beginning. She was fortunate enough to gain admission into the prestigious Lady Shri Ram College for her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. It was here that she honed and developed her skills. In her 3 rd year one of Rashi’s professors sparked her interest in the unique arena of Dance Therapy. Having been a classical Bharatnatyam dancer, Rashi was the secretary of the Dance Society. The field of Dance Therapy gave her the opportunity to combine her love for dancing with her passion for psychology. By the time Rashi completed her Masters in Clinical Psychology, she was actively seeking opportunities and avenues for Dance Therapy. They explored various programs and found one which suited her at Goldsmiths, University of London. Looking back, Rashi believes that her reasons for coming up with a program on attuned parenting was because she saw, and continues to see how parents are interested in teaching their children skills rather than truly

The Embellishment Story

                                                    Kritika and Smriti are trained professional Interior Designers. They always had a passion for creative products and curations. The journey to become a mompreneur was conceived when Kritika and Smriti came across the challenge of collecting products for gifting purposes from different brands and then putting them together in a presentable form. They began by having their friends and family to reach out to them for suggestions of appropriate gift ideas. As gift curators they realised that everyone valued their suggestions and found them so helpful that they wanted them to organise the complete curations. Kritika and Smriti both have around 15 and 10 years of work experience respectively with architectural studios. In these roles they wore several hats in the arena of managing sales, customer relationships and overall design journeys for customers along with a team of designers and managers working under them. One of the main challen