
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sudhi Dhall

    Sudhi was working ever since she left college. She did an MBA and got a job in Gurgaon, where she worked for almost 15 years.  Everything was good, but Sudhi always felt something was missing. She had a stable, good paying job, a nice husband and a loving daughter. Yet, she used to feel something is not complete. When the entire country went into lockdown in March 2020, Sudhi’s self-work journey began. Everything outside was closed but the online world opened up for her. She started pursuing courses on anything she wanted to learn about. These included courses on baking, makeup, gardening, exercise, how to make YouTube videos and more.  This led her to a Life Coaching Certification in 2021; something she joined to become a better person.  During the program, she began seeing changes in herself, which made her more confident. She started healing herself, and understood the importance of self-love. All this gave her a desire to help others who might feel lost and undervalued. Sudhi r

Karishma Khosla & Dr. Khosla’s Dental Clinic

                          Karishma has always been passionate about healthcare and found dentistry to be the right fit for her. Helping relieve someone’s pain or giving them the confidence to eat, speak and smile comfortably is something she feels passionately about.   Karishma started out working as a consultant in a dental clinic but soon fell into the role of part business owner. Her journey into entrepreneurship was quite accidental!   Karishma soon discovered there was a lot of difference in working for someone vs. handling a business. Some of her major challenges centered around staff management; she found that hiring and retaining good people was tough. It was also a challenge to juggle time between work, home and kids. Time always seemed short to complete all the tasks that each day brought.   Another challenge that Karishma faced was never being able to ‘switch off’ from work. Being dedicated towards her patients, she found it hard to turn away after hours consults and her min

Jasjit Chugh and Green Spell

    Jasjit had been a healer for 28 years and Green Spell was an extension of healing with symbols, to support her gardening and her daughter’s artistic work of Resin figurines. As soon as Jasjit started, Covid hit which brought everything to a standstill. Another challenge was that a lot of people feel they are not good with plants so they don’t invest in them. Marketing for plants is difficult because everyone likes to shop for items like clothes, jewellery, shoes, bags or food; plants are usually last on the list. I wanted a name that implied the magic a garden and the symbols it can create, which heals and nurtures a person as they begin to nurture it. Green Spell conveys all this. Wick Chimes means the moods around the clock and the colours of the Sky and chakras associated with the fragrance used in candles.  Jasjit enjoys gardening and playing golf, both of which are close to the “green.” Follow her on