
Monica Chatrath and Mairaah

                                Mairaah-The Creative Way is a path to that journey which Monica and her daughter began nine years ago to create unique home décor  products and fashion accessories; catering to the needs of people belonging to all strata of society.  They started with trousseau packing and then ventured into other things like fashion accessories, hair accessories, designer potlis and clutch bags, gota jewellery, floral jewellery, handcrafted footwear, home accessories, festive products, gifting items and last but not the least decoupage and resin products; the knowledge of which Monica garnered during the lockdown.  The love for creating handcrafted products was always there which is what gave Monica the inspiration to create different home utility products with decoupage and resin like trays and coasters, upcycled glass bottles and jars, tissue boxes and cutlery stands, cake stands, wall clocks and wall plates, among others. Having been a full-time mother all th

Chitwan Mohan and Cuddles_by_ChitwanMohan

                      From the time she completed her fashion course at Parsons, Chitwan knew that designer clothing was the line she wanted to get into. She started with womenswear in 2011 and then ventured into menswear in 2016. Whenever Chitwan visited the fabric markets for men’s fabrics, she would find herself staring at the cute kids’ fabrics and would wish that she could do something in that line. She would pick up fabrics for her son’s nightwear and shirts and they turned out really well; every time he wore them, her family would encourage her to consider venturing into this as a side business and gauge the response. Chitwan began small in 2020 and then there was no looking back. This isn’t a side business anymore. Chitwan is extremely passionate about it and doing kids' wear in particular makes her extremely happy. Moreover, she has discovered a staunch support system in the form of her mommy clients. It helps that Chitwan considers entrepreneurship to be in her blood.

Priyanka Bansal and Nebesa Organic Skincare

                  Priyanka was a full-time housewife till 2020. During the lockdown, after seeing people losing their loved ones, she felt the need to work for society and got associated a few online charitable trusts which dealt with healing people who were undergoing depression due to the pandemic.   After this Priyanka began to pursue mental wellness and child psychology courses professionally. She was able to heal lot of people, especially teenagers who often faced issues related to their skin and hair and therefore lacked in confidence. This was when Priyanka decided to venture into skin and hair products. She wanted to provide 100% natural products without harmful chemicals. She researched online and enrolled herself with organic and Ayurveda institutes to hone her skills and gain the relevant knowledge. When Priyanka decided to start her own skincare venture, she named it Nebesa which means ‘heaven’ in German. Today, Nebesa offers an array of almost 50 products like cold pro

Reena and Soappitara

               Reena is a mom to a wonderful daughter who is a young adult and she is the force and inspiration behind Reena realising her potential to pursue her creative passion and turn it into a business. Reena considers herself to be a proud Mompreneur in the true sense of the word! Reena was always creatively inclined towards art. Being a primary teacher in the early years of her career gave her a lot of opportunity to engage young kids through her creative skills. When her daughter was born, Reena gave up full time work to be with her daughter. She then took up a dedicated job at proofreading books which she pursued for several years. As the years passed by and Reena’s daughter grew up, she began encouraging Reena to follow her passion and get into something creative. Her daughter would often refer to Reena as “mommy magician” because she believed Reena had the artistic skills to create magical stuff with her hands. Reena was always drawn to handmade products and fragrance

Shreya and Harleen Kapoor and KiDIYs

  The idea of KiDIYs was born when two new mothers, Shreya Kapoor and Harleen Kapoor understood how crucial 'play' was in the development of children. The idea took shape with their daughters and went onto becoming an enterprise for scores of other children. The founders of KiDIYs truly believe in providing open-ended, non-toxic DIY (do-it-yourself) and sensory play that engages the imagination, creativity and senses of kids. “Researching sensory activities for them led us in finding a gap in the industry for good quality diy and sensory kits”, says Shreya Kapoor (co-founder). KiDIYs is our passion project and a result of our combined love for our beloved kids,” says Harleen Kapoor (co-founder). Shreya has a Masters in IT and Harleen in International Management. Together they combined their diverse knowledge, expertise and experience to curate a beautiful series of products that support the physical, mental and creative growth potential of children. The USP of KiDIYs DIY

Aarti Sachdev & EMBER

                                Aarti always dreamed of doing something of her own and creating a brand which would belong to her. She wasn’t sure what this would be but she knew that she wanted to create magic in her life.  Aarti was always attracted to fragrances of all kinds- floral, citrus, woody, spicy, to name a few! She loved exploring the myriad of fragrances available and understanding how different environments could be enhanced by choosing the right fragrance. Needless to say, Aarti ensured that her surroundings always smelt nice! Ember was born effortlessly. One fine morning Aarti got up and decided to venture into the arena of Incense and Dhoop sticks. Her interest meant that she had a sound knowledge base about these products and she wanted to utilise that alongside the contacts she had built over the years, to start her own enterprise. While it was relatively simple to stock the products thanks to her contacts with manufacturers, Aarti faced issues with the boxes as the

Anu Jain & Meraki by a.n.s.

                     Anu had always been inclined towards sketching, drawing and painting since her childhood while her mother was inclined towards clothes and fashion. So, it was no surprise when Anu ended up taking fashion design as a subject in 11 th grade. Anu always had a lot of questions in her mind. What was she here? What was the purpose of her life? What could she do which would be different from the norm? She had a deep desire to prove something to herself. After completing her graduation, Anu took admission in Pearl Academy of Fashion for a one-year postgraduate course in Fashion Merchandising. Alongside this she started her own workshop at Shahpur Jat. Anu handled everything; from finding the place for the workshop to setting up a team of tailors, to buying machines and raw materials. Her parents were a huge support for her during this time. Looking back, Anu wonders how she managed and she is proud of the fact that she did. However, just when things were taking off, f